Monday, September 3, 2007

My Ubuntu Studio experience

I'm installing Ubuntu Studio on an Intel box with a Nvidia 7300GT card and a 1920x1200 monitor. I gave up this weekend trying to install it on my Matrox Pahrelia AVPe card. Matrox and Linux does not seem to befriend each other. At least not from my perspective.

Ubuntu Studio is booting correctly but I have freezes that seems to be Nvidia related. I'll update to all the latest drivers and let you know how it goes.


Anders Dahnielson said...

If we're lucky AMD may decide to improve and release their ATI graphic card drivers as open source: AMD to update ATI Linux drivers--with open source?

That would definitely up the ante between ATI and Nvidia. The later is probable the best supported 3d chipset for GNU/Linux today by the means of closed drivers — but that might change.

BTW, just a tiny nitpick: Linux is strong proper name why The can be omitted in the phrase The Linux Video Watch which should also be a strong proper name.

Occam's blade said...

I had the same problem. It solved by instaling ealiar driver from nvidia.

I used this driver for AMD64 arhitecture

And you probably should use this ia32 driver if you use other processor